The roles of County Assembly as provided for under Article 185 of the Constitution and section 8 of the County Governments Act, No. 17 of 2012 are representation, legislation, oversight over County Executive Committee, approving county development planning, approving of budget and expenditure of the County Government, and approving borrowing by the County Government.

County Assembly make laws applying to the respective County as provided for under Article 185 of the Constitution and the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution


To facilitate political, economic, social and culture growth of the County through effective legislation, oversight and representation.


To be a model County Assembly that fulfills its constitutional mandates to the people of Marsabit county

Functions of the County Assembly 

  • Vet and approve nominees for appointment to County Public offices.
  • Approve the budget and expenditure of the County Government.
  • Approve the borrowing by the County Government.
  • Approve County Development Planning and perform any other role as may be set out under the Constitution or legislation.

Role of Members of the County Assembly

  • Representation role – Maintain close contact with the electorate and consult them on issues before or under discussion in the county assembly.
  • Legislative role– Attend sessions of the county assembly and its committees by providing linkage between the county assembly and the electorate
  • Oversight role -On public service delivery; and extend professional knowledge, experience or specialized knowledge to any issue for discussion in the county assembly.

 Core Values

  • Unity in Diversity: We shall have regard to persons from different social-cultural background, harmoniously coexisting in the County.
  • Integrity: We shall maintain the highest level of accountability, transparency and integrity in the discharge of our duties.
  • Teamwork: We shall work together as one to deliver results.
  • Professionalism: We shall conduct our businesses in a manner that is responsive, maintains public confidence and high standards of performance with focus on quality service delivery.
  • Constitutionalism: We are committed to obeying the rule of Law in all our undertakings.